
  • Italy: Criteria for selecting MNE taxpayers for audits - click here
  • Luxembourg Tax Authority issues guidance on application of controlled foreign company rules in Luxembourg - click here
  • Poland: Tax authority’s access to banking information of taxpayers subject to proceedings - click here
  • Gibraltar: Budget 2022 measures affecting companies - click here


  • Brazil: Report of tax developments for financial, insurance, real estate sectors - click here
  • Uruguay’s Tax Authority clarifies tax treatment of profit repatriations paid by a permanent establishment under double tax treaty - click here
  • Uruguay intends to change its traditional source criteria for corporate income tax purposes to comply with EU requirements - click here
  • New Colombian Government expected to propose tax reform - click here
  • South Africa: Tax authority targets e-service suppliers and VAT compliance - click here
  • Ghana issues 2022 Mid-year Budget Review Statement - click here
  • China pioneers a coordinated management approach to TP - click here
  • Hong Kong: Income tax treaties to be modified by MLI - click here
  • Philippines: Guidance for taxpayers seeking MAP assistance - click here
  • Indian Tax Administration mandates nonresident taxpayers to furnish information electronically to avail Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements benefits - click here
  • Australian Treasury releases Discussion Paper on new thin cap rules, royalty deduction rules and public tax disclosure rules - click here
  • Rio Tinto agrees to pay nearly $1 billion in tax avoidance settlement with Australian Tax Office - click here


  • The significant fiscal changes brought by GO 16/2022 (RO) - click here
  • The companies are not obliged to switch to the micro tax, even if they meet the mandatory conditions. They can opt for 16% taxation of the profit (RO) - click here
  • NAFA has updated the lists of debtors who register outstanding fiscal obligations (RO) - click here
  • NAFA: VAT receipts increased by 10 billion RON in the first half of the year. Romania, last place in the region in terms of VAT receipts in relation to GDP (RO) - click here
  • Almost 1 million legal entities and other entities were registered in the Virtual Private Space (RO) - click here
  • ​NAFA controls in the area of ​​policies/bank guarantee letters (RO) - click here and here


  • Bi-annual evaluation of essential characteristics DAC6 - click here
  • Czech Republic: Guidance provided in Q&As on cross-border arrangement reporting under DAC6 - click here
  • For the latest developments and news concerning DAC6 – click here
  • Access the DAC6 Comparison Tool App that allows the user to make instant comparisons among DAC6 provisions in different countries. Plus, it offers direct links to each local legislation and guidelines and shows you how to perform the MBT test – click
Note: Please note that TPS could not be held responsible for the content and accuracy of the information obtained by accessing these websites, nor for the consequences resulted from any activities one performs based on this information. Even though we are monitoring the outbound links, we do not have control over the availability of the information offered by external references or how often the information is updated.



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